

Cosmetic and General Dentist located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Invisalign services offered in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Invisalign® is an effective and more comfortable alternative to metal braces for straightening your smile. As an Invisalign-certified specialist, Madison Dental Spa can fit you for your clear aligners with a high level of precision. Dr. Chason and team also use advanced 5D scanning technology to create the most accurate impressions of your teeth, so your clear aligners fit like a glove. Call the office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City to schedule an Invisalign consultation or book an appointment online today. 

Invisalign Q&A

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a noninvasive orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth and improve the appearance of your smile without traditional metal braces.

The Invisalign system uses a series of clear aligners to gradually shift your teeth into a better position. You might be a candidate for Invisalign if you’re unhappy with your smile because of crooked or gapped teeth.

Madison Dental Spa offers comprehensive services in-office and Dr. Chason is Invisalign certified to get you fitted for your aligners. He can help you achieve straighter teeth in less time and with more comfort than braces.

What can I expect during my Invisalign consultation?

Madison Dental Spa provides comprehensive dental exams to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy before you start Invisalign treatment.

To create the clear aligners you need for treatment, Dr. Chason uses the iTero Element® 5D scanner to create the most accurate digital scan of your teeth. He uses scan results to anticipate the movement of your teeth and personalize your treatment plan.

When your aligners are ready, Dr. Chason outlines how to wear them properly to maximize your results.

How long does Invisalign take?

Depending on the condition you’re treating with the Invisalign system, you may be able to complete your treatment as quickly as six months. However, Dr. Chason can let you know ahead of time how long you need to wear your aligners based on your circumstances.

You can expect to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day. Every 1-2 weeks, you change out your aligners for the next in the series. You can easily remove aligners for eating and brushing your teeth.

Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear, and because they’re clear, you can wear them without feeling self-conscious. The more consistent you are with wearing your aligners, the better your results will be.

Dr. Chason recommends when to schedule follow-up visits to the office, so he can monitor your treatment progress. When you finish your treatment, you may benefit from wearing Invisalign’s Vivera® retainer to maintain your results in the long term.

Call Madison Dental Spa to schedule an Invisalign consultation or book an appointment online today.

Our Services
The team at Madison Dental Spa provides personalized dental care in a relaxing, comforting environment. Whether you need a cleaning or a crown we are here to take care of you. Dr. Chason offers a wide range of dental services, including cosmetic dentistry. If you would like to brighten your smile with a whitening treatment, or have us help you obtain the smile you have always wanted, we are here to help.