
Restorative Dentistry

Cosmetic and General Dentist located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry services offered in Upper East Side, New York, NY

When you have complications from decayed or missing teeth, you can rely on the restorative dentistry services available at Madison Dental Spa. Eric Chason, DDS, provides comprehensive, compassionate restorative services, including tooth-colored fillings, crowns, and bridges to treat damaged or missing teeth. If you have dental pain, don’t put off dental care. Call the office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City to schedule a restorative dentistry consultation, or book an appointment online today. 

Restorative Dentistry Q&A

What is restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing or replacing decayed, damaged, or missing teeth.

The goal of the restorative dentistry services at Madison Dental Spa is to restore your ability to chew food easily and without pain. 

Dr. Chason can also use restorative dentistry techniques to improve your smile and preserve your overall dental health. 

When should I schedule a restorative dentistry consultation?

You should schedule a restorative dentistry consultation at Madison Dental Spa if you have difficulties chewing, speaking, or pain because of:

  • Cavities
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • Missing one or more teeth

You may also benefit from restorative dentistry services if you’re unhappy with your smile because of damaged or missing teeth.

Dr. Chason performs a comprehensive dental exam and may take X-rays of your mouth to determine which treatments you need to repair dental issues. He customizes a treatment plan to your needs, so you can be free of pain and chew and speak with ease.

What are the available restorative dentistry services?

Madison Dental Spa offers restorative dentistry services for adults and children, including:

Tooth-colored fillings

Fillings use a composite material to fill holes in your teeth left behind by cavities. Dr. Chason uses tooth-colored materials, so your fillings match the natural shade of your tooth.


Crowns are a treatment option to repair large cavities and restore broken teeth. A crown fits over your entire tooth to keep out debris, provide protection, and improve the appearance of your damaged tooth.

Inlays and onlays

Inlays and onlays are an alternative to a full-coverage crown. Unlike fillings, a medical lab custom makes these restorations. Dr. Chason fits and bonds them into your damaged tooth to improve its structure and strength. 


A bridge has artificial teeth that often connect to crowns or a framework. The crowns fit over healthy teeth near areas of missing teeth to restore function, and the artificial teeth fill in the gaps in your smile. 

Full and partial dentures

Dentures are a dental appliance that replaces missing teeth. They feature a durable base that attaches to artificial teeth. You can get a partial denture to place a few missing teeth or a full denture to replace all of your upper or lower teeth.

Dental implants

Dental implants feature a titanium post that Dr. Chason implants into your jawbone. The post serves as an anchor for a restoration, such as a crown or bridge. Implants can replace a single missing tooth or all of your teeth.

To schedule a restorative dentistry consultation, call Madison Dental Spa, or request an appointment online today. 

Our Services
The team at Madison Dental Spa provides personalized dental care in a relaxing, comforting environment. Whether you need a cleaning or a crown we are here to take care of you. Dr. Chason offers a wide range of dental services, including cosmetic dentistry. If you would like to brighten your smile with a whitening treatment, or have us help you obtain the smile you have always wanted, we are here to help.